Montana State Flag Colors – HTML HEX, RGB, HSL, CMYK, HWB and NCOL
Montana State Flag has six primary colors. These are Resolution Blue, Metallic Yellow, Rufous, Cookies and Cream, Grullo and Vivid Lime Green.
Montana State Flag Colors information are also available in HTML HEX, RGB, HSL, CMYK, HWB and NCOL codes. These values are very handy when it comes to your digital work, drawing, and printing.
Here are the Color value estimates for Montana Flag:
79.0 %
Rgb rgb(2, 43, 133)
Hex #022b85
Hsl hsl(221, 97%, 26%)
Hwb hwb(221, 1%, 48%)
Cmyk cmyk(98%, 68%, 0%, 48%)
Ncol C69, 1%, 48%
Rgb rgb(2, 43, 133)
Hex #022b85
Hsl hsl(221, 97%, 26%)
Hwb hwb(221, 1%, 48%)
Cmyk cmyk(98%, 68%, 0%, 48%)
Ncol C69, 1%, 48%
5.8 %
Rgb rgb(147, 141, 103)
Hex #938d67
Hsl hsl(52, 18%, 49%)
Hwb hwb(52, 40%, 42%)
Cmyk cmyk(0%, 4%, 30%, 42%)
Ncol R86, 40%, 42%
Rgb rgb(147, 141, 103)
Hex #938d67
Hsl hsl(52, 18%, 49%)
Hwb hwb(52, 40%, 42%)
Cmyk cmyk(0%, 4%, 30%, 42%)
Ncol R86, 40%, 42%
4.7 %
Rgb rgb(249, 209, 20)
Hex #f9d114
Hsl hsl(50, 95%, 53%)
Hwb hwb(50, 8%, 2%)
Cmyk cmyk(0%, 16%, 92%, 2%)
Ncol R83, 8%, 2%
Rgb rgb(249, 209, 20)
Hex #f9d114
Hsl hsl(50, 95%, 53%)
Hwb hwb(50, 8%, 2%)
Cmyk cmyk(0%, 16%, 92%, 2%)
Ncol R83, 8%, 2%
4.0 %
Rgb rgb(172, 165, 64)
Hex #aca540
Hsl hsl(56, 46%, 46%)
Hwb hwb(56, 25%, 33%)
Cmyk cmyk(0%, 4%, 63%, 33%)
Ncol R94, 25%, 33%
Rgb rgb(172, 165, 64)
Hex #aca540
Hsl hsl(56, 46%, 46%)
Hwb hwb(56, 25%, 33%)
Cmyk cmyk(0%, 4%, 63%, 33%)
Ncol R94, 25%, 33%
1.6 %
Rgb rgb(168, 53, 14)
Hex #a8350e
Hsl hsl(15, 85%, 36%)
Hwb hwb(15, 5%, 34%)
Cmyk cmyk(0%, 68%, 92%, 34%)
Ncol R25, 5%, 34%
Rgb rgb(168, 53, 14)
Hex #a8350e
Hsl hsl(15, 85%, 36%)
Hwb hwb(15, 5%, 34%)
Cmyk cmyk(0%, 68%, 92%, 34%)
Ncol R25, 5%, 34%
1.4 %
Rgb rgb(158, 200, 15)
Hex #9ec80f
Hsl hsl(74, 86%, 42%)
Hwb hwb(74, 6%, 22%)
Cmyk cmyk(21%, 0%, 92%, 22%)
Ncol Y23, 6%, 22%
Rgb rgb(158, 200, 15)
Hex #9ec80f
Hsl hsl(74, 86%, 42%)
Hwb hwb(74, 6%, 22%)
Cmyk cmyk(21%, 0%, 92%, 22%)
Ncol Y23, 6%, 22%
1.0 %
Rgb rgb(62, 164, 246)
Hex #3ea4f6
Hsl hsl(207, 91%, 60%)
Hwb hwb(207, 24%, 4%)
Cmyk cmyk(75%, 33%, 0%, 4%)
Ncol C45, 24%, 4%
Rgb rgb(62, 164, 246)
Hex #3ea4f6
Hsl hsl(207, 91%, 60%)
Hwb hwb(207, 24%, 4%)
Cmyk cmyk(75%, 33%, 0%, 4%)
Ncol C45, 24%, 4%
1.0 %
Rgb rgb(56, 68, 77)
Hex #38444d
Hsl hsl(206, 16%, 26%)
Hwb hwb(206, 22%, 70%)
Cmyk cmyk(27%, 12%, 0%, 70%)
Ncol C43, 22%, 70%
Rgb rgb(56, 68, 77)
Hex #38444d
Hsl hsl(206, 16%, 26%)
Hwb hwb(206, 22%, 70%)
Cmyk cmyk(27%, 12%, 0%, 70%)
Ncol C43, 22%, 70%
0.9 %
Rgb rgb(152, 223, 244)
Hex #98dff4
Hsl hsl(194, 81%, 78%)
Hwb hwb(194, 60%, 4%)
Cmyk cmyk(38%, 9%, 0%, 4%)
Ncol C23, 60%, 4%
Rgb rgb(152, 223, 244)
Hex #98dff4
Hsl hsl(194, 81%, 78%)
Hwb hwb(194, 60%, 4%)
Cmyk cmyk(38%, 9%, 0%, 4%)
Ncol C23, 60%, 4%
0.5 %
Rgb rgb(28, 97, 16)
Hex #1c6110
Hsl hsl(111, 72%, 22%)
Hwb hwb(111, 6%, 62%)
Cmyk cmyk(71%, 0%, 84%, 62%)
Ncol Y85, 6%, 62%
Rgb rgb(28, 97, 16)
Hex #1c6110
Hsl hsl(111, 72%, 22%)
Hwb hwb(111, 6%, 62%)
Cmyk cmyk(71%, 0%, 84%, 62%)
Ncol Y85, 6%, 62%
If you are looking for coloring page, please visit Montana Flag Coloring Page.
Here’s the flag below for your reference:
Color Code | Description of Color Codes available for Flag of Montana |
RGB | The color value of RGB is specified with: rgb(red, green, blue). These color values are supported in all web browsers. Each parameter of red, green and blue has a range between 0 and 255. This value defines the intensity of the color. |
HEX | Hexadecimal Colors for HTML pages are supported in all browsers. These are specified in the following format: #RRGGBB. RR (red), GG (green) and BB (blue) are hexadecimal integers (00 to FF range) that specify the intensity of the color. |
HSL | HSL stands for Hue, Saturation, and Lightness. HSL color values are currently supported in IE (9+), Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera (10+). The color values are specified with: hsl(hue, saturation, lightness). Hue Value: Degree on the color wheel from 0 to 360. 0 – red, 120 – green, 240 – blue. Saturation Value: It is a percentage (0-100 range); 0% – shade of gray, 100% – full color. LightnessValue It is a percentage (0-100 range); 0% – black, 100% – white. |
HWB | HWB stands for Hue, Whiteness, and Blackness. It is currently a suggested standard for CSS4. Please note that HWB is not yet supported in HTML and is suggested as a standard for CSS4. |
CMYK | CMYK color value is a combination of Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black. CMYK values are useful when it comes to printing as printers often presents colors using CMYK. Please note that CMYK is not yet supported in HTML and is suggested as a standard for CSS4. |
NCOL | NCOL stands for Natural colors. It is an initiative from W3Schools and is based on what colors look like to the human eye. This makes it easier to describe colors and also easier to select HTML colors. NCol color values are specified as a percent of distance from the color. Please note that Ncol is not supported in HTML and is very close to the HWB color system suggested as part of CSS4. |