Gibraltar Flag Image – Free Download

Download your free Gibraltar Flag image here in 62 different formats. Get your Gibraltar Flag in a JPG, BMP, JPEG, PNG, GIF, PSD file among other formats. These high-quality images are free to download.

Gibraltar Flag Image - Free Download
Gibraltar Flag inFormat DetailsGibraltar Flag Download
AVIFAVIF file size is 10 times smaller than JPEG with the same image quality. AVIF supports not only Standard Dynamic Range (SDR) images but also High Dynamic Range (HDR) and Wide Color Gamut (WCG).Flag_of_Gibraltar.avif
BMPBMP (Bitmap Image File) is format for storing bitmap images. Flag_of_Gibraltar.bmp
CURCUR (Cursor File) is the image of the cursor used for the mouse pointer in Windows. Flag_of_Gibraltar.cur 
DDSDDS (Microsoft DirectDraw Surface) is the format that is used in the OpenGL and Microsoft DirectX development environment.
EXRThis bitmap image format was primarily created for storing images taken in HDR mode and provides a high dynamic contrast ratio. Flag_of_Gibraltar.exr
FAXFAX format is used to compress large TIFF images when sending them via fax machines. Flag_of_Gibraltar.fax
FTSFlexible Image Transport System (FTS) is a format for editing, storing, and transmitting images with metadata primarily for scientific purposes. Flag_of_Gibraltar.fts
G3Used to compress image files in TIFF format while sending faxes.Flag_of_Gibraltar.g3
G4Format to compress black and white images without losing quality. Flag_of_Gibraltar.g4
GIFGraphics Interchange Format is a popular graphics format capable of storing compressed data without loss of quality.Flag_of_Gibraltar.gif
HDRUsed for storing bitmap images with increased levels of color and brightness performance.Flag_of_Gibraltar.hdr
HEICHigh Efficiency Image is a file extension that Apple uses for the HEIF image format.Flag_of_Gibraltar.heic
HEIFHigh Efficiency Image File can be a single image or a sequence of images for Apple’s Live Photos.Flag_of_Gibraltar.heif
HRZDisplay format associated with the broadcast of slow-scan television.Flag_of_Gibraltar.hrz
ICOUsually contains a small image icons of different resolutions.Flag_of_Gibraltar.ico
IPLImages that can be used as graphic textures in 3D applications.Flag_of_Gibraltar.ipl
JFIJPEG File Interchange Image raster image file format.Flag_of_Gibraltar.jfi
JFIFGraphical format for the exchange of compressed JPEG files between computers.Flag_of_Gibraltar.jfif
JIFJPEG Interchange Format – lossy format used for digital photography.Flag_of_Gibraltar.jif
JP2Bitmap image format JPEG 2000Flag_of_Gibraltar.jp2
JPEAn extension used as an optional alternative for JPEG imagesFlag_of_Gibraltar.jpe
JPEGJoint Photographic Experts Group – One of the most popular graphic formats used for storing images and similar images.Flag_of_Gibraltar.jpeg
JPGJoint Photographic Experts Group or JPG extension makes it easier to transfer and download these files on the Internet due to lower file size as compared to BMP filesFlag_of_Gibraltar.jpg
JPSStereo JPEG Image – Format used to create a 3D effect out of a 2D pictures. Flag_of_Gibraltar.jps
MNGUsed for storing several types of bitmap images including animations.Flag_of_Gibraltar.mng
MTVThis format is used store bitmap images in 24-bit color created using MTV ray tracer.Flag_of_Gibraltar.mtv
OTBOn-the-air bitmap was created by Nokia for use in its proprietary phones.Flag_of_Gibraltar.otb
PAL16 bit/pixel interleaved YUV is a format that can be transmitted over analog broadcasting channels.Flag_of_Gibraltar.pal
PALMUsed for storing bitmap images – Palm bitmap file can contain multiple versions of the same image with different colors.Flag_of_Gibraltar.palm
PAMCommon format for bitmaps in operating systems based on the UNIX. Flag_of_Gibraltar.pam
PBMPBM is a Portable Bitmap image in black and white.Flag_of_Gibraltar.pbm
PCTFormat developed by Apple for storing vector and bitmap images with metadata.Flag_of_Gibraltar.pct
PCXPersonal Computer Exchange is standard presentation graphics.Flag_of_Gibraltar.pcx
PDBPalm Database ImageViewer Format – used for storing databases on the Pegasus and Palm PDA devices.Flag_of_Gibraltar.pdb
PFMPortable float format, used for exchanging graphics data between applications. Flag_of_Gibraltar.pfm 
PGMPortable Graymap, a storage format for grayscale images.Flag_of_Gibraltar.pgm
PGXImage file format that is stored without the use of compression algorithms with JPEG 2000 standard. Flag_of_Gibraltar.pgx
PICTPICT format is used to store bitmap and vector images on Macintosh computers. Flag_of_Gibraltar.pict
PNGPortable Network Graphic, PNG, is a raster graphic data storage format that uses lossless compression algorithm to deflate.Flag_of_Gibraltar.png
PNMThis format was developed for processing and storing several types of monochrome and color images without any compression.Flag_of_Gibraltar.pnm
PPMPortable Pixmap is a format for storing images portable pixmap.Flag_of_Gibraltar.ppm 
PSDAdobe Photoshop bitmap is used for storing bitmap images in an Adobe Photoshop project file.Flag_of_Gibraltar.psd
RASSUN Rasterfile format is used to display bitmap images in the SunOS operating system.Flag_of_Gibraltar.ras
RGBA color model display format that uses the threecolors (blue, red and green) to create an image.Flag_of_Gibraltar.rgb
RGBARaw red, green, blue, and alpha samplesFlag_of_Gibraltar.rgba
RGBORaw red, green, blue, and opacity samplesFlag_of_Gibraltar.rgbo
SGIBitmap file that is stored in compressed form using the RLE algorithm.Flag_of_Gibraltar.sgi
SIXDEC SIXEL Graphics Format is an alternative extension of the SIXEL bitmap graphics format.Flag_of_Gibraltar.six
SIXElDEC SIXEL Graphics Format developed by Digital Equipment Corporation to use on printers and terminals.Flag_of_Gibraltar.sixel
SUNSUN Rasterfile is a bitmap image format that is used on Sun Microsystems workstations.Flag_of_Gibraltar.sun
TGATruevision TGA (Targa) Image is a raster graphic format.Flag_of_Gibraltar.tga
TIFFTagged Image File Format for storing raster graphics.Flag_of_Gibraltar.tiff
UYVY16bit/pixel interleaved YUVFlag_of_Gibraltar.uyvy
VIFFImage format used in the VisiQuest Khoros visualization software suiteFlag_of_Gibraltar.viff
VIPSSimple, fast and has no size limit.Flag_of_Gibraltar.vips
WBMPFiles contact bitmap black and white images.Flag_of_Gibraltar.wbmp
WEBPWebP Image Format – New format that supports lossless and loss compression quality for images.Flag_of_Gibraltar.webp
XBMX Windows system bitmap (black and white)Flag_of_Gibraltar.xbm
XPMCan be used to store color and monochrome imagesFlag_of_Gibraltar.xpm
XVUsed for visualization in the Khoros software suite. It is a kind of VIFF bitmap image.Flag_of_Gibraltar.xv
XWDUsed to store background images in uncompressed form in the X Windows System user interface.Flag_of_Gibraltar.xwd
YUVUsed to store images that have been divided into Y, U, and V color components.Flag_of_Gibraltar.yuv

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