Flag of India
India’s national flag is a horizontal rectangular tricolor consisting of saffron, white and green. At its center is the Ashoka Chakra (24-spoke wheel) in navy blue.
Proportion: 2:3
Adopted: 22 July 1947
At night, why are flags lowered?
The act of hoisting in the morning is a sign of strength. To lower the flag is a sign of respect and dignity for the country it represents. Flags are generally lowered at night because most countries prohibit flags from being flown or displayed at night unless they are illuminated or lit.
Citizens of India can now fly the National Flag at night. The flagpole must be extremely tall, and the flag must be well-illuminated.
Before independence, what was the Indian flag?
In 1921, India’s largest political party, the Indian National Congress, adopted a white, green, and red flag as its unofficial flag. Hinduism was represented by red, Islam by green, and other minorities by white.
Can anyone use the Indian flag on a car?
A flag may only be displayed on the bonnet of a motor vehicle by certain officials of the state and central governments and by Chief Justices. Affixed firmly either to the right front side of the car or to the middle front of the bonnet, the flag is to be flown from a staff. Under The Flag Code of India, 2002, every Indian cannot fly the National Flag on their vehicles. National Flag display is governed by the Emblems and Names and the Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act, 1971.
Can I put an Indian flag on my house?
According to the flag code of India, you are free to hoist the national flag of India at home or in your office. On January 26, 2002, the government modified the Indian Flag Code to allow citizens to display the Tricolour over their homes, factories, and offices on any day of the year, not just public holidays. Flags, however, are national symbols and cannot be used for whims or fun.
There are three parts to the Flag Code of 2002 – a general description of the Tricolour, rules outlining how public and private organizations and educational institutions may display their flags, and regulations outlining how governments and government bodies can display their flags. According to this act, all public, private, and educational institutions are free to display the flag up to the limit set out in the Emblems and Names (Prevention of Improper Use) Act, 1950 and the Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act, 1971.
Can Indian flags be flown at night?
Citizens of India can now fly the National Flag at night. Earlier, they could only fly it during the daytime. It is essential that the flagpole be especially tall, and that the flag itself is well-lit.
Can Indian flags be washed?
Yes, maintain your flag’s vibrant colors by cleaning it regularly to avoid soiling and discoloration from dirt, smoke, dust, pollution, and other airborne contaminants. Flags can be washed by hand or machine with warm water and mild soap, then soaked and dried.
Flags may only be made from khadi or hand-spun cloth, and flying a flag made of any other material is punishable by law.
Do you know what 24 spokes mean?
1. Spoke No. 1: Chastity (inspires a simple lifestyle)
2. The second spoke is health (aspires to be healthy in both mind and body).
3. The third spoke is peace (to maintain peace and harmony throughout the country).
4. The fourth spoke is about sacrifice (Being ready to sacrifice for the sake of the country).
5. The Fifth Spoke is Morality (Maintaining high morality in professional and personal life).
6. The sixth spoke is service (Ready to serve the country and society at any time)
7. Spoke 7: Belief in Forgiveness (Understanding that forgiveness can be extended to human beings as well as other creatures)
8. Eighth Spoke: Love for country and all creatures of God (love for country and others).
9. The ninth spoke is friendship (to have good relations with all citizens).
10. Tenth Spoke: – Fraternity (the spirit of brotherhood in the country)
11. A tenth spoke focuses on the strength of unity and integrity of the nation.
12. The twelfth spoke is Welfare (participation in activities that benefit the country and society).
13. The 13th Spoke is Prosperity (Taking an active role in supporting the country’s development).
14. Spoke 14: Industry (To assist the country in its industrialization)
15. The fifteenth spoke is Safety (Being ready to defend the country).
16. The sixteenth spoke emphasized awareness (not believing in rumours and being aware of the truth).
17. Spoke 17: Equality (Establishing an egalitarian society)
18. Eighteenth Spoke:- Artha (Optimum usage of money)
19. 19th Spoke: country’s policy (having faith in it)
20. Spoke twenty-Justice (referring to justice for all)
21. Twenty-one Spoke: Cooperation
22. The Twenty-Second Spoke: Your duties (to obey your duties honestly).
23. Twenty-third Spoke: Rights (Don’t abuse them)
24. The twenty-fourth spoke is wisdom (knowledge beyond books).
Hoisting the flag – what are the rules?
– The National flag should never be raised higher than any other flag.
– Hoisting and lowering the flag should always be done slowly and ceremoniously. During the bugle calls, the hoisting and lowering of the flag should take place simultaneously.
– Flags should not touch the ground or trail in the water.
– Flags should not be displayed or fastened in a way that may damage them.
– In respect to any person or thing, the flag must not be stooped downwards.
– During meetings, the flag should not be used to cover or decorate the speaker’s desk.
– A suitable height should be used for hoisting the national flag.
– Never display the National flag with the saffron band down.
– Flags should be held in the right hand during a parade or procession. The National flag should be in the middle of a line of other flags.
– The saffron band must be displayed at the top of the flag when displayed horizontally or at an angle.
– Flags displayed on cars should be attached to a staff, attached firmly to the car’s bonnet.
– During public meetings, the flag should be flown behind and to the speaker’s right or against the wall directly behind and above the speaker, facing the audience.
– The flag shall be displayed in a distinct and separate manner on occasions such as unveiling a statue.
– When the flag is hoisted, it should occupy a position of honour and be prominently displayed.
– In cases where the flag is flown on government buildings, it should be displayed from sunrise to sunset every day, including Sundays and holidays.
How does the flag of Gujarat look like?
The flags of India’s states and union territories are not recognized as of 2021.
The Indian Constitution does not prohibit state flags. They should, however, not dishonor the national flag. Additionally, the Flag code of India allows other flags to be flown with the national flag, but not on the same flagpole or above it.
How should I hang my flag on my house?
Citizens can fly India’s national flag at their discretion. Rules are outlined in the Flag Code of India. However, even though it is our right to fly the flag, private buildings should avoid it because following the code is not always feasible.
Guidelines as per the Flag Code of India:
– Flags should be appropriately hoisted at a suitable height.
– Flags should be carried in the right hand when they are carried in a procession or parade.
– Flags should not touch the ground or trail in the water.
– Flags should not be displayed or fastened in a way that may damage them.
– Whether it is raining or not, the flag should be flown from sunrise to sunset on a government building.
– Flags should never be stooped down towards anyone or anything.
– A speaker’s desk should not be decorated or adorned with a flag during a meeting.
– Whenever the flag is raised, it should be done quickly and ceremoniously lowered.
– Flags should be erected in positions of honour and placed clearly.
– A flag shall be displayed clearly and separately when used on occasions such as the unveiling of a statue.
– Flags should be displayed on cars using a staff firmly affixed to the car’s bonnet.
– Any other flag should not be raised above the National Flag.
– In no case should the saffron band of the national flag be displayed down.
– The flag must be displayed horizontally or at an angle from a window or balcony, with the saffron band at the top.
– The flag should be flown at public meetings behind the speaker and to the speaker’s right.
If an Indian flag is disrespected, what is the punishment?
Disrespecting the flag or constitution of India can lead to prison for a term lasting for 3 years. A fine can also be imposed, if both are deemed appropriate.
In 1907, who designed the Indian flag?
The flag was designed by Madam Bhikaji Cama, Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, and Shyamji Krishna Varma. This flag was unfurled at Stuttgart, Germany, on August 22 of 1907. In addition to saffron, there were yellow and green stripes on the flag.
In the Indian flag, what does the circle represent?
A blue wheel with 24 spokes is centered in the white band. Those spokes are the Wheel of Law (Chakra). In life, the Chakra symbolizes the vital importance of justice and the continued advancement of the nation.
Is flag hoisting possible indoors?
On 26th January 2002, an amendment to the Indian flag code allowed Indian citizens to fly the national flag over their homes any day of the year. Private citizens have the right to fly the flag on their premises under Section 2 of the revised code. Under the Flag Code of India, when the national flag of India is flown indoors it should be spread out properly.
Is Ireland’s flag a copy of India’s?
Ireland’s flag is a tricolor, just like the Indian flag. While the white and green in the India and Ireland flags are the same, the saffron in the India flag has been replaced by a slightly different orange in the Ireland flag.
It is a coincidence that the white bands on both flags have similar symbolism, but the other two colors have entirely different meanings. Green represents the Irish Catholic people, orange represents the Irish Protestant people, with white representing peace between them on the Irish flag.
Is it necessary to get permission to fly a flag?
Citizens can fly India’s national flag at their discretion. Rules are outlined in the Flag Code of India. However, even though it is our right to fly the flag, private buildings should avoid it because following the code is not always feasible.
Is it possible for a foreigner to hoist the Indian flag?
Under the dignity and honor of the tricolor, members of the public, private organizations, and educational institutions may hoist or display the national flag.
Is it possible to hoist the Indian flag in the evening?
Is it possible to hoist the national flag in the rain?
Going by the Flag Code of India, as a general rule, the national flag shall be flown on public buildings, from sunrise to sunset, no matter how severe the weather. However, even if such a building is lit up during the night, it should be flown only on special occasions.
Is there a flag on the moon for India?
At 15:01 UTC on November 14, 2008, the Moon Impact Probe impacted the south pole of the moon. With the placing of a flag on the Moon, India is the fourth nation after the Soviet Union, the United States, and Japan.
Is there more than one flag for India?
There is only one national flag in India. The flags of individual states and union territories of India are not officially recognized. States are not prohibited from adopting distinctive flags.
On Independence Day 2021, who will hoist the flag?
The Prime Minister of India will hoist the National Flag at the Red Fort, Delhi, and speak to the nation.
The Indian flag has four colors. What are they?
The National Flag of India consists of a horizontal tricolour consisting of India saffron, the national colors of white and green, and the Ashoka Chakra, a 24-spoke wheel in navy blue at its center.
What country’s flag is similar to the Indian flag?
1. Niger. However, the ratio, shade of orange, and symbol in the center differ from the Flag of India.
2. Ireland’s flag is identical to the Indian flag except for saffron. India’s flag is different from Ireland’s in its orange color. The Ireland flag also has a vertical pattern of colors unlike the tricolor of India, which also has the Ashoka Chakra centered in the middle.
What do the colors of the Indian flag represent?
– Saffron symbolizes courage and sacrifice
– White symbolizes peace, unity, and truth.
– Faith and fertility are associated with green.
– Blue represents the sky and the ocean.
What Indian state has its own flag?
Under the special status granted to Jammu and Kashmir by Article 370 of the Constitution of India, the state of Jammu and Kashmir had an officially recognized state flag from 1952 to 2019. A plough adorned the center of the red flag. The red portion of the flag signified labour while the plough symbolized agriculture.
What is the difference between hoisting and unfurling a flag?
The national flag on Independence Day is tied at the bottom and pulled up. The Prime Minister hoists it. It commemorates the country’s independence from British rule. On Republic Day, the flag is tied at the top and unfurled without being raised. This signifies that the country has already become independent.
What is the Flag Code for India?
India’s Flag Code regulates the display of the national flag under laws, practices, and conventions.
There are three main sections of the flag code.
– The first part gives a general description of the national flag.
– The second part of the code deals with displaying the national flag by the public, private businesses, educational institutions, etc.
The third part of the code covers the display of the national flag by union and state governments and their agencies and institutions.
Read more >> https://www.mha.gov.in/sites/default/files/flagcodeofindia_070214.pdf
What is the flag of the Indian Army?
It is composed of the horizontal tricolor of red, navy blue, and sky blue with the tri-service emblem in the center.
What is the history of the Indian flag?
In 1921, Gandhi proposed a flag to the Indian National Congress. Pingali Venkayya designed the flag. The spinning wheel at the center symbolizes Gandhi’s goals to empower Indians by making their own clothing, with red stripes for Hindus and green stripes for Muslims.
Red was replaced with saffron in the design, and a white stripe was added for other religious communities and a background for the spinning wheel. Due to religious associations with this color scheme, the bands were later assigned a new meaning: courage, peace, and chivalry.
On 15 August 1947, the Indian Constituent Assembly decided the flag of India should be acceptable to all parties and communities. A new wheel of law, the Ashoka Chakra, replaced the charkha.
What is the real meaning of the Indian flag?
An Indian flag consists of three horizontal tricolors divided equally into saffron (orange) at the top, white middle, and dark green at the bottom.
- White symbolizes peace, unity, and truth.
- Green symbolizes faith and fertility.
- Blue represents the sky and the ocean.
What is the tallest flag in India?
The tallest tricolor in the country has been installed in Belagavi, Karnataka. Kote Kere near Fort Belagavi is home to the 361-foot tall structure. The following two are at Attari border in Punjab (360 ft) and Bhakti Shakti Chowk, Pune (351 ft).
When is the Indian flag hoisted?
On January 26, 2002, the government amended the Indian Flag Code to allow citizens to hoist the Tricolour over their homes, offices, and factories on any day of the year, not just public holidays.
When should the Indian flag be taken down?
Regardless of weather conditions, the flag will be flown from sunrise to sunset. Flags can be flown on a building at night, but this should be reserved for special occasions. Flags should always be lowered ceremoniously and slowly after hoisting them swiftly
When was the first Indian flag made?
The law mandates that the flag be made of khadi (hand-spun fabric), popularized by Mahatma Gandhi. The Bureau of Indian Standards specifies the manufacturing process and specifications for the flag.
Who can hoist the Indian flag?
Private citizens have the right to fly the Indian Tricolour on their premises under Section 2 of the Indian Flag Code. In all areas – ceremonial and non-ceremonial – the flag will be displayed by individuals and organizations as long as they maintain its dignity and honor.
Who made the Indian flag for the first time?
Mahatma Gandhi was presented with a flag design in 1921 by a student named Pingali Venkayya, consisting of the colours associated with the two major religions, red for Hindus and green for Muslims. The traditional spinning wheel, which evolved from Gandhi’s crusade to make Indians self-reliant by creating their own clothing from local fibres, was added to the center of Lala Hans Raj Sondhi’s horizontally divided flag.
In addition to adding white stripes to the flag for the other religious communities of India, Gandhi included an open spinning wheel to provide a prominent backdrop for the flag.
Who raised the first Indian flag?/ Who unfurled the Indian flag first?
The first Indian national flag was unfurled at the 1907 International Socialist Congress in Stuttgart, Germany, by Bhikaji Rustom Cama. The tricolor consisted of green, saffron, and red stripes.
Why does Karnataka have its own flag?
State boundaries are delineated based on linguistic identities in India. This has led the States to create goals for promoting their language and culture. Hence the flag is a prominent symbol they use to unify, advance, and protect their culture, language, and interests, and it fulfills that function well. Having a state flag is not going to undermine national integration or even patriotism.
Why does the Indian Navy fly the flag of England?
The flag of the Indian Navy was first displayed in 1950 without the emblem in the center, which is the same as the present flag. The new ensign, introduced after 15th August 2001, does not have a Red Cross; instead, it displays a blue coloured Indian Navy crest at the right bottom. Because the flag was hard to see, another design change was made.
Why is Ashoka Chakra blue?
There are many inscriptions of Ashoka that have a chakra, also known as Ashoka Chakra. The circle is blue. According to its color, blue represents the sky, ocean, and universal truth. This is why the Ashoka Chakra is blue in the center of the white stripes.
Why is the Ashoka Chakra on the Indian flag?
Today, the Ashoka Chakra appears in the center of the Flag of India, where it is rendered in navy blue on a white background, replacing the spinning wheel symbol from the pre-independence versions. India’s national flag includes the Ashoka Chakra in the middle. The circular Ashoka Chakra symbolizes India’s progressiveness.